Saturday, March 20, 2010

never heard this word for the past 15 years


It’s funny that some people would actually hide their real uniqueness in a place where the sun couldn’t reach their skin, while their replica takes pleasure in swimming and dancing at a range of place in this planet. Have you ever tried to pretend to be someone you are not just to be ideal? For the fear that the person you like will not recognize you for being “YOU” and that the person you find irresistible will not walk with you in the same course. And which could be more painful, to pretend that you are somebody else in the eyes of the person you love or to just simply acknowledge the fact that no matter what you do, he will not fall for you, that life is full of sick people and not everyone will be given the suitable dosage of cure.

Life is somehow unfair…

When you finally settled on the idea of being perfectly fine even without the person you considered half of your life, that same person will not be pleased just seeing you weep because they still want you to bleed.

When you try to give everything they’ll still be asking you to wrap the universe and box the stars. I have never seen contentment for the past 15 years…well did you?

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